The story is told that after years of the Great Herrmann sawing Adelaide's head off, she had a watchmaker make this gift for her husband to commemorate their work together.
The watch is open and the lever on the side of the case pushed down.  The saw moves down in front of the sawing box.
Her hat pin is removed from the top of the watch and inserted into a small hole in the crystal and through the watch.
The lever is pushed down and instantly the saw penetrates the solid steel pin.
Solid through Solid
Hunter Case 14 k Gold Filled Watch Case
Adelaide Herrmann
The Great Herrmann
Hat Pin Concealed in Watch Stem
The Solid Steel Hat Pin
Inserting the Pin
Pin Penetrates the Case Completely
Ready to Saw
Sawing Complete
Solid through Solid!
Performance Video m4v
Performance Video wmv.
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