The Gerlitz Ephemeris Watch can be used in a variety of different performances, depending on your imagination.  Astrological Reading, Predictions, Cold Readings, Multiple Matches, etc.  With the additional use of an Impression Pad, Center Tear, or my favorite, the ProMystic Zodiac Cube, multiple outcomes and more elaborate presentations are possible.
In its simplest form, an antique pocket watch is handed to a spectator and he is asked to close the cover and turn the hand as many times as he would like.  The watch now secretly points to his zodiac sign which can be read by the performer or simply opened by the spectator for his amazement.
Performer Briefly Describes the History of the Watch
The 12 Zodiac Cards are Displayed
Cards are Handed to Spectator
Spectator Removes his Zodiac Card
And Places Card Face Down on Silk
Spectator Places Remaining Cards on Top
Setting of the Watch is Explained and Demonstrated
Watch is Handed to Spectator
Spectator does Practice Setting
And Opens Cover to Show Random Setting
Spectator Moves Watch over Cards and does another Setting
Watch is Opened by Spectator to Show it has Stopped on his Zodiac Sign
Cards are Turned over to Verify Reading is Correct.
It is suggested that addition items be brought out with the watch and its accessories to give everything a more casual antique atmosphere.  The cellulose die is included for this purpose, but I recommend a silver coin, old key, old reading glasses, etc.
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